“The Wheat and the Weeds” – Matthew 13:24-30; 37-43

Why doesn’t God strike down the evil right now?  Why does God allow evil people to thrive?  Join us as we learn the answer form Jesus himself .  Sermon originally preached on April 25, 2010.


“Riddle Me This” – Matthew 13:10-17

Have you ever wondered why Jesus spoke in parables?  Most of us assume that it was to make things clearer, but that isn’t true.  Join us as we discover the real reasons that Jesus spoke in riddles.  Sermon originally preached on April 11, 2010.


“The Easter Gift” – John 1:14-17

Easter is a very meaningful time to step back and focus on the significance of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.  Join us as we learn some things about Jesus from John 1, most notably that he is the giver of GRACE!!  Salvation is offered to us with no strings attached, because Christ was willing to sacrifice himself for us.