“Evil’s Last Gasp” – Daniel 7

The second half of the book of Daniel is filled with strange imagery and is brimming with imagination.  It is also filled with clues as to what God’s plan is for the future.  Join us as we take a look an the entire arc of human history in Daniel 7 and see that there is evil in the world, but that God won’t stand for it.    Sermon originally preached on May 29, 2011.


“Business as Usual” – Daniel 6

Daniel and the Lion’s den is a very popular story.  We have all heard it from the time that we were knee high.  But . . . what does it have to say to us today as we try to live out our relationship with God?  I think it is a call to faithfulness.  Daniel was faithful in the good times and that helped him to be faithful when the storms blew.  Join us as we learn in what arenas Daniel was faithful and how we can imitate him.    Sermon originally preached on May 22, 2011.


“The Writing on the Wall” – Daniel 5

What is blasphemy?  How do some commit this enigmatic sin today?  How can we avoid it?  Join us as we look at the life of King Belshazzar and learn how not to make the same mistakes that he did.    Sermon originally preached on May 15, 2011.


“The Mother of God” Luke 1 & 2; Mark 3; John 2

If you could have anybody in the world (other than yourself of course) raise your kids who would it be?  Would that person be wealthy?  Experienced?  Have kids your own age?  What would they be like?  For God that question was not hypothetical.  He chose Mary from all the women in the ancient world to raise his son.  Join us as we take a look at the life of Mary and ask what we can learn from the “most blessed of all women.”    Sermon originally preached on May 8, 2011.


“Pride Goes Before a Fall” – Daniel 4

Nebuchadnezzar offers us one of the most arrogant phrases in the entire Bible in Daniel 4, “Is not this the great Babylon that I have built as MY royal residence by MY mighty power and for the glory of MY majesty.”  While these words were still on his lips, Nebby was humiliated by God.  Join us as we learn not only how God views pride, but WHY he humbles the proud.  Sermon originally preached on May 1, 2011.


“Trail By Fire” – Daniel 3

Pop culture has given a myriad of heroes!  Heroes like Superman, Batman, and Iron Man.  But . . . church history, even recent church history has given us as believers greater heroes than these.  Individuals with no superpowers who stood up for God no matter what the circumstances.  Join us as we take a look at how Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego loved God more than being good citizens, more than their own pleasure, and even more than their own life!   Sermon originally preached on April 17, 2011.


“The Mountain Stone” – Daniel 2:31-49

When Nebuchadnezzar dreams he sees the future!   Join us as we discover what Nebby’s dream revealed to us about what has happened and what is to come.  It will take us on a journey through history and make us stare the kingdom of God right in the eyes!   Sermon originally preached on April 10, 2011.