“Pass the Salt” – 2 John 1-6

Salt is a compound of two very dangerous elements.  Sodium is very unstable and is found in nature only combined with other elements.  Chlorine is a poisonous gas that can kill you in large amounts.  BUT . . . both of them together combine to form something as common and safe as table salt.  John tells us at the beginning of 2 John that we need to walk in truth and walk in love.  One without the other is toxic.  But . . . when both combine together in an individual believer or church, they can be a powerful tool used  by the Lord  Join us as we look at both truth and love and try to figure out how we can make sure both are present in our lives!  Sermon originally preached on November 13, 2011.


“Where Are You Going” – Joel 2:28-3:21

You ever just hop in the car and go?  You don’t know where you are going, you just want to go?  Well . . . probably not, because the reason we travel is to get somewhere.  I want to make clear to you that you are headed somewhere.  Everybody’s heading one way or the other.  Where are you going?  Are you going toward God or away from him?  Joel wanted the people of Judah to know that the path that they were on was headed somewhere.  If they continued on the path of indifference, punishment was on its way.  BUT . . . if they changed paths and started heading toward God through repentance and belief, they would also change where they were headed.  Join us as we look at each destination and determine which one is the better place to head  Sermon originally preached on November 6, 2011.


“Which Path?” – Joel 2:1-27

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”  We all know that this is the famous last line of a Robert Frost poem.    It asks an important question.  Which way are you going?  Are you going down the right path or the wrong one.  The prophet Joel lays out two pathways that the people of Judah could take, and he lets them know their future depending on the path.  Will they take the pathway of indifference and complacency which leads to discipline, or will they take the pathway of repentance that leads to restoration and reward?  Which pathway will WE take?  Sermon originally preached on October 30, 2011.