“FREE Diapers”

If you need diapers, please allow Charter Oak Church to serve you. We will be handing out diapers to those who need them on Saturday, August 31 in the Sav U Mor parking lot from 11:00 AM until we run out. We are setting up right next to the Lion’s Club chicken sale. Please come and let us serve you. Limit one pack of diapers per family until we run out. If you can’t make it on Saturday, call the office at 260-241-8176 and we will try to help you!!

“Man vs. Mouse” – Selected Scriptures

You ever battle a rodent in your house?  What strategies did you use?  Poison?  Traps?  Loud Noises?  When we are trying to trap prey, it is helpful to know what attracts them and how to kill them.  Satan is like a hunter.  He roams around looking for ways to attack us.  He wants to lead us to doubt God’s goodness, greatness, and credibility.  Join us as we discuss some of the ways that Satan will try to trap us and some ways that we can stop him.    Sermon originally preached on July 21, 2013.


“The Sifter” – Luke 22:31-34

You ever watch one of those mystery diner shows?  You know the ones.  Where the owner allows someone to rig up his restaurant with cameras and they watch the employees to make sure they are doing their job well and with integrity.  Then . . . they send in the mystery diners.  The whole point is to push and push and see if the employees will break the rules.  Isn’t that a good image for Satan?  He rigs up situations in our life to see if we will stand firm for God or not.  Join us as we talk about this “sifting” work of Satan and see how it fits into God’s plan.    Sermon originally preached on July 14, 2013.