Tag Archives: Mother’s Day

“The Mother of God” Luke 1 & 2; Mark 3; John 2

If you could have anybody in the world (other than yourself of course) raise your kids who would it be?  Would that person be wealthy?  Experienced?  Have kids your own age?  What would they be like?  For God that question was not hypothetical.  He chose Mary from all the women in the ancient world to raise his son.  Join us as we take a look at the life of Mary and ask what we can learn from the “most blessed of all women.”    Sermon originally preached on May 8, 2011.


“A Mother’s Influence” – 2 Timothy 1:1-5; 3:14-15

Mother’s day is a day to celebrate mothers.  Join us as we look at two mother’s from the New Testament and their impact on young Timothy.  See if we can learn some secrets to biblical motherhood from their example.  Sermon originally preached on March 9, 2010