Tag Archives: Satan

“Man vs. Mouse” – Selected Scriptures

You ever battle a rodent in your house?  What strategies did you use?  Poison?  Traps?  Loud Noises?  When we are trying to trap prey, it is helpful to know what attracts them and how to kill them.  Satan is like a hunter.  He roams around looking for ways to attack us.  He wants to lead us to doubt God’s goodness, greatness, and credibility.  Join us as we discuss some of the ways that Satan will try to trap us and some ways that we can stop him.    Sermon originally preached on July 21, 2013.


“Satan’s Law Career” – Revelation 12:1-12

It is never fun to be accused of anything, especially if it is an unfounded accusation, but that is Satan’s business!  He uses his time to throw accusations at us and try to distance us from God.  Join us as we discuss Satan’s story laid out in six phases.  In this sermon we tackle his origin, his law career, and his subsequent disbarment because of the work of Christ    Sermon originally preached on June 30, 2013.


“The Unstoppable Promises of God” – 2 Chornicles 13 – SERIES: King Me

We are in a war.  Not a war with actual weapons, but a war nonetheless.  We are in the fight for our life with sin, death, and the devil.  Join us as we take a look at the life of King Abijah and how he found victory, and learn how we can use the same tactic to fight against the devil and his schemes.  Sermon originally preached in Fall 2012.


“The Frontline” – Daniel 10

We are in a war, a spiritual war!!  And . . . whoever you are, you are fighting on one side of the battle or the other.  We must battle evil in all of its forms, whether it shows its head in evil governments or in our own heart.  Join us as we watch how Daniel fights in this war and how we can fight as well.    Sermon originally preached on July 17, 2011.