Tag Archives: faith

“Don’t Worry; Be Happy!” – Matthew 6:24-35

“He’s got the whole world in his hands.  He’s got the whole world in his hands.  He’s got the whole world in his hands.  He’s got the whole world in his hands.”  We sing that song from the time we are kids, and we believe its words with all of our hearts.  But . . . often it doesn’t translate practically into our lives, because we worry.  Worry demonstrates that we are taking our problems into our own hands, rather than giving them to the God who created us.  Join us as we talk about how worry can be a roadblock to our daily faith, and try to see if we can find ways keep our focus on God and not on our problems.   Sermon originally preached on September 4, 2011.


“Gotta Have Faith” – Hebrews 11:1-16

“Seeing is Believing!” Isn’t that what we say? But . . . is that always true? Or . . . do our senses sometimes fail us? As Christians we are people of faith, but what does that mean? What is faith? When the Bible talks about faith, is it always talking about the same thing? What does faith do? Whom should we have faith in? Join us as we explore the subject of faith and start on a journey of taking a close look at roadblocks to our faith and trying to remove them from our lives. Sermon originally preached on August 28, 2011.