Tag Archives: Injustice

“Protecting the Powerless” – Colossians 3:22-4:1 – SERIES: Complete in Christ

Almost by definition, society includes powerful people and powerless people. The people who move the world forward and those that are moved by it. And Christians often find themselves in one role or another. How should powerful Christians behave in their role? What about those without any power or status? How should they live their Christian lives. Into a world that is often very segregated and hostile to people on the fringes, God speaks. Join us as we look at Paul’s household code in Colossians addressed to slaves and masters, and unearth principles for how to live for Jesus in whatever segment of society we find ourselves in? Sermon originally preached on April 317, 2016.


“Thy Kingdom Come” – Luke 18:1-8

The Parable of the widow reminds us to persistently pray.  But . . . what prayer are we to be persistent in?  Join us as we see how this small parable fits in its context and what it says about the end times.  Sermon originally preached on September 19, 2010.