Tag Archives: Joel 2:28-3:21

“Where Are You Going” – Joel 2:28-3:21

You ever just hop in the car and go?  You don’t know where you are going, you just want to go?  Well . . . probably not, because the reason we travel is to get somewhere.  I want to make clear to you that you are headed somewhere.  Everybody’s heading one way or the other.  Where are you going?  Are you going toward God or away from him?  Joel wanted the people of Judah to know that the path that they were on was headed somewhere.  If they continued on the path of indifference, punishment was on its way.  BUT . . . if they changed paths and started heading toward God through repentance and belief, they would also change where they were headed.  Join us as we look at each destination and determine which one is the better place to head  Sermon originally preached on November 6, 2011.