Tag Archives: Missionary

Do You Bleed Colt’s Blue?

One of the things I love the most about fall is coming home from church on a Sunday afternoon, laying on my comfortable couch with a bag of chips, and watching the Colts completely thrash another football team.  I love to watch Manning work his magic as he  sometimes picks the team up on his shoulders and carries them to victory.  It is the perfect complement to a morning of pouring my soul out to God and to others.

As much as I like the Colts though, my love for them is far eclipsed by one of the missionaries that we support as a church, Nate Dunlevy.  Nate has been a good friend and mentor, and he is currently a passionate missionary in Argentina.  Now he has published a book about the Colts from a fan’s point of view.  I urge you to support Nate and his ministry by reading his first published book called Blue Blood.