Category Archives: Pictures

“Man vs. Mouse” – Selected Scriptures

You ever battle a rodent in your house?  What strategies did you use?  Poison?  Traps?  Loud Noises?  When we are trying to trap prey, it is helpful to know what attracts them and how to kill them.  Satan is like a hunter.  He roams around looking for ways to attack us.  He wants to lead us to doubt God’s goodness, greatness, and credibility.  Join us as we discuss some of the ways that Satan will try to trap us and some ways that we can stop him.    Sermon originally preached on July 21, 2013.


“The Sifter” – Luke 22:31-34

You ever watch one of those mystery diner shows?  You know the ones.  Where the owner allows someone to rig up his restaurant with cameras and they watch the employees to make sure they are doing their job well and with integrity.  Then . . . they send in the mystery diners.  The whole point is to push and push and see if the employees will break the rules.  Isn’t that a good image for Satan?  He rigs up situations in our life to see if we will stand firm for God or not.  Join us as we talk about this “sifting” work of Satan and see how it fits into God’s plan.    Sermon originally preached on July 14, 2013.


Spiritual Warfare!!

Join us this Father’s Day, June 16 as we begin a series on spiritual warfare!  We will answer questions like these:  What is spiritual warfare?  Who is our enemy?  How do different groups of Christians understand spiritual warfare?  Who is Satan?  Where did he come from and where is he heading to?  How do we fight in this battle?  How do we prepare ourselves for the struggle?  How do we find victory?  We would love to see you there!!

“Green Township Community Vacation Bible School”

VBS will be hosted by Charter Oak Church this year!!  We will being doing Group’s KINGDOM ROCK Vacation Bible School!!!  Come join us for a great time of learning about Jesus, having fun, playing exciting games, eating great snacks, singing amazing music, watching Chadder’s latest adventure, and experiencing Bible stories in creative ways.

VBS begins Sunday, June 23, and goes through Thursday, June 27, from 6:00 PM-8:45 PM.

If you would like to register your child (ages 4 – entering 5th grade), please call 260-241-8176.  3 year-olds are welcome if a parent is volunteering.  Can’t wait to see you guys there!!

“Who’s Your Father” – 1 John 2:28-3:10 – SERIES: Light and Love

How can you tell what a person values?  In the early 1900’s some thought that you could tell by the shape of your head, others by the way you write, or by the shape of your face.  The only proven way to tell what someone really values is to look at their behavior.  Join us as John encourages the faithful in Asia to take a close look at their lives and see if they are like Christ.  We are God’s children, and because we are God’s children and his seed remains in us, our behavior should reflect him.   Sermon originally preached on April 14, 2013.


“Rejoice in One Truth” – Ephesians 2:8-10 – SERIES: CORE GOSPEL TRUTHS

What is the gospel?  The gospel is the good news that God is in the process of redeeming a people for himself and re-establishing his kingdom.  The plan of salvation is the way that we become a part of that kingdom.  Join us as Aaron gives his personal testimony, we debunk many myths about salvation, and uncover what the Bible really says on how to be reconciled with God.  Sermon originally preached on August 12, 2012.


“God’s Complaint Department” – Habakkuk – SERIES: SMALL BUT MIGHTY

“Are we there yet?”  Have your children ever hounded you with those words when you were traveling for a long period of time.  It is just a tad annoying.  What do you say to your kids when they ask you that dreaded question?   I always say, “We’ll get there when we get there!”  This is an accurate summary of the book of Habakkuk.  The prophet looks out at the world and sees evil and suffering, and he asks God where the justice, righteousness, and peace he promised is.  Basically, “Are we there yet?”  Join us as we see what God has to say in response to Habakkuk’s tough questions.   Sermon originally preached on April 15, 2012.


“Just Desserts” – Obadiah

What goes around comes around.  I hope they get their just desserts.  What is good for the goose is good for the gander.  Turn about is fair play.  I hope they get a taste of their own medicine.  You reap what you sow.  We have so many sayings in our culture that express our deepest desires for justice.  We want to see those who are oppressed set free, and we want to see oppressors get what’s coming to them.  Join us as we look at the nation of Edom and how God balanced the scales of their injustices.  Sermon originally preached on January 1, 2011.


“Giving Them Back” – Genesis 22

We often think that our children belong to us, but they don’t!  They belong to God!  He has entrusted them to us!  So . . . the question for us is, “Have we given them back to God?”  They are in much better hands with him than with us.  God created our kids.  God loves our kids.  God has a plan and purpose for their life.  Will we help God as he tries to shape them, or will we stand in the way.  Join us as we look at Abraham’s test.  Would he give Isaac back to God or hold on to him himself?  Will we give our kids back to God?  Sermon originally preached on December 11, 2011.


“Charter Oak Church Homecoming” – This Sunday September 25!!!

This Sunday we will be honoring 125 years of worshipping God and celebrating his grace on the corner of 300 E and 500 S in  Green Township!!  We will be remembering God’s blessings on our congregation over the years and also looking forward to what God is going to do through us in the future!!!!   If you have any former connection with Charter Oak or you would like to celebrate with us, we invite you to please come out and worship with us on Sunday morning at 10:30 AM with a dinner on the grounds to follow.