Tag Archives: Baptism

“Rejoice in One Truth” – Ephesians 2:8-10 – SERIES: CORE GOSPEL TRUTHS

What is the gospel?  The gospel is the good news that God is in the process of redeeming a people for himself and re-establishing his kingdom.  The plan of salvation is the way that we become a part of that kingdom.  Join us as Aaron gives his personal testimony, we debunk many myths about salvation, and uncover what the Bible really says on how to be reconciled with God.  Sermon originally preached on August 12, 2012.


“A Mark in the Sand” – A Baptismal Sermon

What is baptism?  Doesn’t it seem a little strange that we dunk people in water when they become saved?  I think some of the weirdness comes from the confusion that surrounds baptism.  Some baptize infants, while others baptize only those who have made a confession of faith.  Some baptize by immersion, others by pouring, and still others by sprinkling.  Some people say that baptism is part of salvation, others say that it is a symbol.  Join us as we discuss what baptism is, why it is a beautiful event in the life of a believer, and prepare for the baptism of five souls.     Sermon originally preached on August 21, 2011.