Tag Archives: judgment

“BIG A, little a” – Daniel 11:21-45

BIG A, little a!  What begins with “A”?  Anitchrist, Antiochus, and Titus all begin that way!!  In the second part of Daniel 11 we have the careers of two very evil men described for us.  And . . . I think we can glean from their lives and destinies a little bit about how God works in history and what will happen to those who oppose God and oppress his people.  Join us as we analyze the rise and fall of Antiochus and Antichrist!   Sermon originally preached on July 31, 2011.

***Disclaimer***  –  First 10 minutes did not get recorded  –


“The Sheep and the Goats” – Matthew 25:31-46

Is there a more perplexing parable than the parable of the sheep and the goats?  I don’t think so!  Some use it to push that salvation is earned through social justice.  Others look at it as a works based judgment for tribulation saints.  Still others hold a variety of views in between.  Which one is correct?  Are there things we can agree on despite our differences?  Join us as we try to talk through this difficult parable and find out what it should mean to us.    Sermon originally preached on June 27, 2010.


“The Wheat and the Weeds” – Matthew 13:24-30; 37-43

Why doesn’t God strike down the evil right now?  Why does God allow evil people to thrive?  Join us as we learn the answer form Jesus himself .  Sermon originally preached on April 25, 2010.


Sowing and Reaping – 1 Samuel 31

The death of Saul reminds us that we end up reaping what we sow.  All of us, like Saul, end up having to face the consequences of our actions.  But . . . what are those consequences?  Do we just face them after death or also during this life?  Explore the nature of judgment in this sermon focusing on 1 Samuel 31.  Sermon originally preached on January 31, 2010.