Tag Archives: Prayer

“The Plague” – Joel 1

What is revival?  What are some of its ingredient?  Joel is very concerned about the spiritual health of the people of Judah.  He tells them very clearly that the locusts are a wake up call to get their attention back on God.  Join us as we see what revival entails and whether or not we need it in our own hearts.  Sermon originally preached on October 23, 2011.


“The Frontline” – Daniel 10

We are in a war, a spiritual war!!  And . . . whoever you are, you are fighting on one side of the battle or the other.  We must battle evil in all of its forms, whether it shows its head in evil governments or in our own heart.  Join us as we watch how Daniel fights in this war and how we can fight as well.    Sermon originally preached on July 17, 2011.


“The Three R’s” – Daniel 9:1-23

In Daniel 9, we learn our 3 R’s.  Not Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, which only one starts with an R anyway.  But . . . we learn the 3 R’s to restoring our relationship with God.  Join us as we discuss the process of repentance and restoration from the life of Daniel    Sermon originally preached on July 3, 2011.


“Business as Usual” – Daniel 6

Daniel and the Lion’s den is a very popular story.  We have all heard it from the time that we were knee high.  But . . . what does it have to say to us today as we try to live out our relationship with God?  I think it is a call to faithfulness.  Daniel was faithful in the good times and that helped him to be faithful when the storms blew.  Join us as we learn in what arenas Daniel was faithful and how we can imitate him.    Sermon originally preached on May 22, 2011.