Tag Archives: Humility

“Moonlight” – Matthew 5:13-16 – SERIES: MISSION

“This little light of mine!  I’m going to let it shine.”  Most of us have sung that song since we were tiny, because it has a great message!  As Christians we are the light of the world.  Actually, we are the moonlight.  We reflect the Son!  Join us as we discuss how we can be salt and light in our world, pointing people to God by our attitudes.  We will follow Jesus in Mark as he tries to lead his disciples away from worldly thinking and toward kingdom thinking.  Sermon originally preached on February 26, 2012.


“Pride Goes Before a Fall” – Daniel 4

Nebuchadnezzar offers us one of the most arrogant phrases in the entire Bible in Daniel 4, “Is not this the great Babylon that I have built as MY royal residence by MY mighty power and for the glory of MY majesty.”  While these words were still on his lips, Nebby was humiliated by God.  Join us as we learn not only how God views pride, but WHY he humbles the proud.  Sermon originally preached on May 1, 2011.


“Heretic Hunting” – Philippians 2:1-4

If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you have probably seen churches fight and divide, however, God calls the church to unity.  So, how do we achieve this ideal of being like-minded?  Why is unity so important to God?  How can we become unified? And . . . are there legitimate reasons to divide?  Join us as we wrestle with these difficult issues.  Sermon originally preached on February 20, 2011.


“Surrender?” – Ephesians 5:19-21

Americans tend to like things their way, right away.  But . . . following the example of Christ requires us to behave differently, especially in the church.  In Ephesians 5 Paul tells us that in the body of Christ we need to submit to one another.  Join us as we explore what submission is, the reasons why we should submit, and some practical ways that we can demonstrate biblical submission.  Sermon originally preached on February 6, 2011.


“The Few and the Proud” – Luke 14:1-14

What is humility?  How do humble people look?  Do they tilt their head to the side?  Do they avoid self-satisfied grins?  How does one look humble?  In the parable of the chairs Jesus points out three symptoms of the proud, and by looking at their opposite we can find three symptoms of the humble.  Join us as we explore the insidious nature of pride and how God views the proud, and also see how much God loves and exalts the humble.    Sermon originally preached on July 18, 2010.